The "drill" is a demolition hammer, or a rotary hammer with roto-stop.
This is a rotary hammer. This particular one has an SDS-Plus bit shank.
This is a demolition hammer. This particular one has an SDS-Max bit shank.
SDS-Plus bits are smaller than SDS-Max bits. There are other types of shanks, but these two are the most common ones at these machine sizes.
A rotary hammer with roto-stop can be used for drilling, as well as chiseling.
A demolition hammer can only be used for chiseling, but they're generally more powerfull than rotary hammers in the same weight class.
Here's a small collection of SDS-Plus drills and chisels.
Here's a small collection of SDS-Max drills and chisels.
To remove tiles, you need a broad chisel, as they don't "dig" as much as the narrower chisels. There are chisels specific for removing tiles.
To remove tiles, you begin by cracking the grout around one tile. Then you simply hammer away in, under the tile, through the grout line. Really simple actually.