W WetSaw Sep 20, 2014 #21 Your not alone Gary, I get through a lot of tile boxes scooping out my joints. But then, I'm not a tiler!
Your not alone Gary, I get through a lot of tile boxes scooping out my joints. But then, I'm not a tiler!
I Ian Sep 21, 2014 #22 I spend at least an hour cleaning out my joints prior to grouting, I keep them clean during fitting but, a last minute clear out does no harm. Dot the i's and cross the t's.
I spend at least an hour cleaning out my joints prior to grouting, I keep them clean during fitting but, a last minute clear out does no harm. Dot the i's and cross the t's.
area tiling TF Arms Sep 24, 2014 #23 Same here bri , I even say to myself don't give yourself extra work , if it ain't necessary , but somehow I always do!! Ah well
Same here bri , I even say to myself don't give yourself extra work , if it ain't necessary , but somehow I always do!! Ah well