Customer expectations? Is this a joke. What do people want from diamond tile drills

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Re: Customer expectations? Is this a joke. What do people want from diamond tile dr

The point i was making Richard was this, the customer in question, if he read the thread would recognise that it was him you were discussing. To be fair to the guy he did say he liked your product and he would be buying again. Keeping his identity confidential isn't the issue, he would know. I just think its not the best practice to openly hold your customers up to ridicule and if it was me I would feel you had betrayed my trust and would take my business (and money) elsewhere and who can afford that?
Re: Customer expectations? Is this a joke. What do people want from diamond tile dr

The point i was making Richard was this, the customer in question, if he read the thread would recognise that it was him you were discussing. To be fair to the guy he did say he liked your product and he would be buying again. Keeping his identity confidential isn't the issue, he would know. I just think its not the best practice to openly hold your customers up to ridicule and if it was me I would feel you had betrayed my trust and would take my business (and money) elsewhere and who can afford that?

Too be honest sometimes its worth not having that customer.
Re: Customer expectations? Is this a joke. What do people want from diamond tile dr

My suggestion would be that we agree to disagree on the issue of posting customer comments from emails or any other source up onto a public forum. Obviously we have posted these and comments from customers onto public forums so I think readers can take it we do not have a problem doing so. But I respect your point of view that you disagree with this.

Did we hold him up to ridicule? Well we certainly didnt hold him up for riducule. But we posted up his comments for review and having re-read the item a couple of times I cant find any trace of saracasm or negative comment from us, in fact I think the tone reads balanced.

Maybe this was the most emotive part:

"So is this a case of a customer wanting too much. Or does he just not want to buy drills.
Maybe in a way its quite a positive email? Starts off with a moan then ends up contridicting

Again have to say we agree to disagree on the practice of posting feedback for comment. But will take your comment on board and will make sure that when we do post up customer related content that we check ourselves to ensure the tone is correct as well as the actual words.


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