I need several information about ceramic/porcelain tiles. Hop you could help me out on the following questions.
Most of the contractors are using NPC to install porcelain/ceramic tiles as to reduce the initial cost of the project.
*Debonding is observed only on any size of porcelain tiles installed on concrete floor as this is the only
type of floor is constructed here …..what could be the reason ? will it happen with the ceramic tiles aslo?
* All the incident observed at 4 - 5 years of aged tiled surface. Any special reason ?
* Normally the contractor and consultants here keeps only 2 - 3 mm of tile groves is it ok?
* How can I decide on the width of the grove?
* what could be the expansion of porcelain tile? comparing with the expansion of concrete slab as concrete floor is only our concern here. no more sub floors.
*Any technical evaluation of slab and porcelain tile expansion behavior?
* If adhesive is used how it would fix this issue…..technical explanation plz?
Appreciate if you could help me out for a research purpose study and suggest me to refer any site on the subject matter.
Fahim Ahmedth
Most of the contractors are using NPC to install porcelain/ceramic tiles as to reduce the initial cost of the project.
*Debonding is observed only on any size of porcelain tiles installed on concrete floor as this is the only
type of floor is constructed here …..what could be the reason ? will it happen with the ceramic tiles aslo?
* All the incident observed at 4 - 5 years of aged tiled surface. Any special reason ?
* Normally the contractor and consultants here keeps only 2 - 3 mm of tile groves is it ok?
* How can I decide on the width of the grove?
* what could be the expansion of porcelain tile? comparing with the expansion of concrete slab as concrete floor is only our concern here. no more sub floors.
*Any technical evaluation of slab and porcelain tile expansion behavior?
* If adhesive is used how it would fix this issue…..technical explanation plz?
Appreciate if you could help me out for a research purpose study and suggest me to refer any site on the subject matter.
Fahim Ahmedth