David - Tradetiler
will be in stock any day now
I think the DeWalt has plenty of power for everything we have thrown at it (except for one porcelain two years ago that I swear has stainless steel layered inside of it!). The DeWalt does not have the crushing torque of my old Target Tilematic (are these sold in Europe?), and won't plow through tile as fast. But, it has cut everything we have needed to cut and does all the tricky cuts that would be extremely difficult or impossible on a traditional tile saw. On really thick and hard tiles, we use the plunge feature to raise the blade and score a cut across the tile, going in two or three passes, rather than hogging through it all in one shot. But it's rare that we even have to do that.
We don't do production tile work, so I don't need the continuous duty motor that the Target has. If we tiled really large jobs with constant cutting, I think I would use the Target. On such a job as that we wouldn't the carpentry-like cutting features of the DeWalt.
I'm not sure about calibrating the scale. My habit is always to measure everything with a tape and I don't rely on a scale on the tool. I will check it out tomorrow for you and report back in the evening.