why do adhesive manufacturers hype their products it is infuriating at times,Apex grange who are a huge mapei and Ardex distributer near me had a kerakol rep handing out free adhesive to tilers in their carpark then the same rep told ESL a cercol distributer that Apex grange were taking Cercol on so he could get their adhesive business ,it ended up that both companies now think that kerakol are a bunch of clowns and wont do any business with them ,i was chatting to colin from Mapei at a trade show and asked him if they were bothered about kerakol and he said that their products are good but until they manufacture in the uk they are no threat, at the moment they should let their products do the talking and sell it to the trade at decent prices and then this will create the demand not just saying we are the best and trying silly tricks and marketing gimmicks to hype their products