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Diamond Pool Finishers

my right knee is killing me ,i did my last job on heavy pain-killers, with the sub straight being so crap and having to put it right i was there for about two weeks on seven pain killers a day :yikes: since i came home i have not taken any pills so i guess this is why it is hurting, when i was at the quacks he said it was pain-killers,injections,wash-out ,full or partial knee replacement but only when i was 60 -7 years time :yikes: so what do i do in the next seven years then ? just be in pain or crippled ,or he says you can go PRIVATE THANKS FOR THAT DOCTOR so what are you saying the NHS will cover first-aid, but not bigger things until you are 60 !! as a knee replacement will last about 10 years so we the NHS are hoping you will die between 60-70 so we don't have to repeat the OP .
i have paid my taxes for all these years and played the game straight ,and now i need a bit of help back from my country,there is no money in the pot for me, yet scroungers that have never worked seem to get anything they want ! what am i doing wrong ? and what should i do next in your opinion guys ?:thumbsup:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I'd seek advice from NHS somehow I think to get that clarified. I think doctors manage their own budgets these days don't they? So perhaps other doctors would consider doing it for you maybe?

I know my mother-in-law has been offered it and she's 54 I think. They did strongly advise coping with it for as long as she can though, so she's having the injections every few months which seems to help.

She's been advised to lose weight too and keep exercising to where the pain threshold lies. Swimming etc.

I feel for you mate because she's in agony at times.

John Benton

Don't get me started about scroungers......It winds me up something pretty bad, turning green and bursting shirts spring to mind.

You're doing nothing wrong!!! You're playing it with a straight bat, but unless you know how to manipulate the system, like a lot of them do, you'll be at the back of the queue for everything.

Read recently about a 53 yr old woman who couldn't get out of bed she was so crippled.....didn't stop her from doing her scuba diving in the Maldives and Seychelles though on tax-payer funded holidays. 150k (benefits) she's claimed, and it's mugs like us who are paying for it. Her husband was apparently her carer, £200 notes a week I believe, and he went on these holidays with her of course. Ironic thing is, She's buggered off with her diving instructor to some exotic location. No doubt the DSS are transferring her benefits still to an off-shore account. Only thing I have off-shore is a call centre when I need to speak to someone ABOUT MY TAXES!!!!

Right back to cutting out this loft hatch...rant over.

I can't even begin to tell you what to do next. Sorry DPF but it sounds like a few painful yrs in front of you. Unless of course we have any guys on here who claim benefits and tile as a bit of extra folding in the back pocket. Come on guys how do you do it?


dave . ive been going through this since last year as well.
even if you have to go private to get an mri scan to be seen quick i would do it.
i too had a job last year where i overdid it on my left knee for a prolonged length of time and it blew up big time. i left it for months before getting scan.
they found real degenerative stuff going on and had key hole xmas. i am still hobbling along and have reduced time on knees considerably, but what surgeon thought might be a knee replacement in five years has has become one year tops.
if i had gone ages ago when had first symptons i would not be in trouble like i am now.
i know its not fair when we pay our taxes to have to wait so long but believe i think the cost of private will be less than loss of earnings if you leave it too long.
I am in process of trying to reduce my physical work load and oversee more . it is a fact of life and really annoying for you but longer you leave it wors it gets .
can call me if you like and i can tell you process ive been going through.
good luck with jotm, i can see you put loads of physical effort in , dont be brave and push your luck. painkillers only hide the problem.

Andy Allen

see another doctor, the fact a knee replacement last 10/15 years makes no difference it depends on how much pain your in, i know people that have had knee replacements and hip replacements in there late 40ts and on the nhs.

problem is if you have a knee replacement you may find working with it, kneeling ect , harder to cope with than it is now.

it sounds like your having a flare up in your knee, something ive had many times, you need to keep popping the painkillers along with a good anti inflammatory, allso a steriod injection in the knee will calm things down for 2/3months, ive had no end of problems with both my knees so i know where your coming from, you sometimes wonder if your ever going to be fit enough to work again, but there are plenty of things that can be done, i would ask your doctor to refer you to an orthopedic consultant, or a reumatoid specialist, they will be able to help keep you going..:thumbsup:

Diamond Pool Finishers

Thanks guys DAN,Jonny,Andy,in particular as you have given me a glimmer of hope, i was in a bit of a bad place earlier, thinking my party might be coming to an end,and nobody likes to look at there own demise ,as i have enjoyed my working life so much ,it seem there is little point to life without it, but if i can get help to keep going then this would be great news, so i will take a good long look at the situation and see if i can get other help including self help to get a few more miles out of the old dog , thanks again fellers ,this is a great forum to turn to as well,it saves giving to much away to the wife lol stiff-upper lip and all that :thumbsup:

John Benton

Thanks guys DAN,Jonny,Andy,in particular as you have given me a glimmer of hope, i was in a bit of a bad place earlier, thinking my party might be coming to an end,and nobody likes to look at there own demise ,as i have enjoyed my working life so much ,it seem there is little point to life without it, but if i can get help to keep going then this would be great news, so i will take a good long look at the situation and see if i can get other help including self help to get a few more miles out of the old dog , thanks again fellers ,this is a great forum to turn to as well,it saves giving to much away to the wife lol stiff-upper lip and all that :thumbsup:

You could always get a job at one of the sheds flogging tubbed addy for 60x60 porcelain floor tiles :lol:

Seriously though, you need to do something about it. My stepson was in agony with a stomach pain, but the pain killers he was taking was masking over the real problem. Had to be rushed into hospital it was an infected appendix, 2-3 more days and it could have been a lot worse than it was i.e. meet his maker.

If you do nothing you're putting off the inevitable
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