So you sized the walls with watered down wallpaper paste instead of primed them. If you had of primed them with a dedicated wallpaper primer then you could of achieved the reduced draw of the wall but you also would have made it easier and cheaper for the wallpaper to be removed at a later date as the primer would have protected the wall and you'd have a much better chance of being able to remove the wallpaper paste completely so it could be painted again in the future without the need for extensive prep.
Your choice of wallpaper paste was because you'd used it before without problem (was is powdered solvite or ready mixed? if ready mixed yellow or red lid?) and I assume wasn't to do with consideration of the type of paper you were hanging, so the stength of the paste, its water content, it's PH value or the fact it could have been cellulose/pva/wheat... based and how any of the factors could have reacted with the type of paper or the method it was printed by.
Still not sure your reasons for lining, was it because it was a woven paper rather than a non woven? Did you use it to sort out lumps and bumps in the wall or did you line the walls to combat seam shrink? Or maybe you used it to give the wall a uniform colour to stop strong colours showing through the wallpaper? Could it be you used a liner because you wanted it to draw away the paste moisture away from the finish paper so the delicate print didn't stain? or you used it to reduce surface tension on the substrate you were papering so the wallpaper stays in place far longer and doesn't curl at the seams??? It could have been for any one of those reason, a few or all...
Colour Republic | Why use lining paper | Wallpaper
Without knowing the type of paper it was printed on, the method of printing and the type of ink used to print it's hard to say if you've done a good job or not. It certainly looks good enough even though in your last picture the right hand wallpaper is 10-15mm higher than the left wall