Electricians Forums Now Using AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for Small Screen Devices

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- Get even faster Electrical Advice using Electricians Forums and 'Accelerated Mobile Pages' or AMP
  • Uses less data when you're out and about but still need electrical advice
  • Can access the greatest database of electrical advice quickly and easily

Find Electrical Advice using Google AMP

Google your electrical problems and you should eventually once we're indexed right find our AMP pages listed at the top of the search results as a box with the thread title in it, and some of the posts, and you scroll to the right to see more similar threads, choose the one that sounds right, and hit the box you think seems right for you and it'll load the pages as follows:-

Electrical Advice using AMP
So this one shows you the header (top) of the page with the 'burger' (three lines) menu button which when you click pops out with the main menu bits in it.

There's an image at the bottom of this post with the menu popped out.

Then there's the threads which get slimmed right down so that they're able to be processed instantly on your mobile devices. No page flicking around on AMP.

You can see that you can click a page number to get to any page of that thread.

Find Electrical Advice Faster
This next one shows you further down the thread. It strips the username area of all its goodies we're used to. But it's meant to do that. Its only focus is to load really fast.

We get displayed differently in Google rankings when we have AMP pages to show electrical advice threads in. So you'll search for a term, find our massive box at the top of page one of Google, which will then allow you to scroll across to the right and see various threads and posts containing what you've searched for so you can easily select the one most related to what you want.

At this point when you're on the electrical advice thread you want, you can click to switch to full page if you want, or just read the thread super fast to see where it is actually the one you wanted, if not...

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Electricians Forums Now Using AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for Small Screen Devices
Electrical Advice
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