embarrassing moments at work.

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I haven't laughed out loud like this for ages, thanks!

I have an old story....
When I was 16 working for a concrete stamping firm we were on the way back from a job when the landrover broke down. Being the skivvy I was volunteered to walk the half mile or so to a hotel to phone the gaffer...but I needed a dump...badly...so jumped over the stone wall in the layby we were in. It was dark, and the 4 ft wall my side was at least 8 feet into the field!! Bit of a shock that was.
That's not the embarrassment though...
we had these all in one overalls with a hood and pockets for knee pads, really well made, so I carry on with my dump, only to realise that I'd actually crapped in my hood!! So I reappear from the field after climbing up the wall (now in the rain) minus my overalls!
I did have jeans on though so was still able to walk to the hotel to phone!
About 9 year back i was tiling a couple houses up in the dales.. my son was with me and we were tiling one of the bathrooms..

All of a sudden i got the urge for a dump.. i tried to put it off but it was one of those that won't go away..

BUT no toilets on site..:dizzy2:... so i got an empty bucket ,went into one of the other rooms whilst my lad was carrying box's of tilies upstairs and let loose into that... then i went out side and empties the contents and paper towel into a bit dumpy bag full of rubbish..

Later on my son.. ( 11 at the time) said he needed the toilet.. i said just go pee around the back.. he said no Dad i need a poo...lol lol... i then said just use a bucket..:yikes: I AM not using a bucket he said...:lol:.. but he did as he knew he had no choice and i tild him where to go and empty the contents once finished..

OK so far..

So a couple days go by whilst we are doing this bathroom.. ( school hols )..

Anyway.. all of a sudden my son comes running into the room.. Dad,dad,,, guess what..?

What i say,,, The builder and another man are emptying the big rubbish bag by hand and are not wearing gloves...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nothing was said but i knew by the look on the builders face he wasn't a happy chap...:lol::lol:


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