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Bathfix Bob

Working doing a bathroom in winter, heating on full. The old boiler was chugging away and had a faulty high limit stat. All rads were so hot you couldn't put your hand on them.
The chipboard floor in the bathroom had a mound on it as one of the joists was 15mm higher than the rest so after ripping up all the chipboard I had the job of planing down the joist with my electric planner, I was fully aware of the red hot 22mm heating pipes passing through a notch in the joist and was well clear of them, yes you guessed it, my planner hit a hard knot in the wood and juddered back grinding a slot through one of the pipes.

What happend next was sheer panic and stupidity, in hindsight I should have just let scalding water pour through the ceiling into the kitchen but i grabbed the pipe with my bare hand to try and stop the flow (not realising through adreneline I was burning the skin off my palm as well as cutting it on the jagged copper) and then cutting the damaged section out with a pipe slice and wacking a stop end on each side.

I managed to do this in the time it took my customers to run up the stairs to see what was going on, there was steam in the room and I was in shock, bleeding and badly burnt, they had to drive me to A&E with me in agony.

That's one way to ruin your day! I didn't realise till later the water had burnt the side of my face as well, the blisters were unbelievable.


Most of those seem to be eye sight Ray lol
were do you start with this :) well took a shower valve off the wall sliped tray gone a stone one .
took bathroom door off to trim down talking to the client took 30 mm off the top not the bottom:confused:
went to site said i was the tiler tiled a public toilet there then the boss rang why have you not been to site
i have been its finnished ?well i should have been on the other side of the road wrong site .:eek:
cutting ply to size i put it on the clients garden table lovely cut only problem when i lifted the ply
the table fell in half .help to lift grannit work top snaps in half goes straight through new oven glass door
tiling bathroom went to talk to chippie walk in to room floor board comes up foot goes down takes out a complete Victorian ceiling plus lighting rose and my nuts :oops: well went to site went to basement to look at bathroom stepped over uncovered drain 6 ft deep to look at water leaking from open stack pipe .at that moment some one had a dump on the top floor flushed the toilet it came out of that pipe like a ffin torepeadeo hit me
spot on knocked me back straight down the 6 ft deep man hole .covered in you know what.
the kitchen extractor looked a little out of level gave it a little twist came off the wall glass hob gone .
thinking about this you are one lucky man
Laughing my *** off reading this straight out of Only Fools And Horses lol

Spare Tool

Did a 600 brickbond floor a couple of years ago...kitchen that ran into a down stairs cloakroom toilet, took the loo out, tiled the floor then went to put the loo back in and the in feed was an inch short of reaching the loo, went to plumbers merchants for an inch of plastic and all they could sell me was 25meters....YES thsts a 25m roll for the inch I needed :( ended up buying a couple of insert connectors to make up the inch, cut pipe stuck in in inserts and it reached the toilet, turned water back on and one of the inserts is seeping water, turned water off, took loo back out and stood it against kitchen wall, so I'm messing about on my knees with insert connections and all I hear is the toilet slide down the kitchen wall and smash into pieces all over the kitchen floor :( I tell that story to almost every customer that expects me to do any plumbing work...it has the desired effect every time ;)


Not tiling, but I'd just started work in a motorbike shop and the boss asked me to take an NSR250 for a test ride as the customer was on his way to collect it. I was gleefully riding around being careful on the damp roads when a woman ran out from between 2 cars. I grabbed a handful of front brake and ended up on my ear. She just turned to see me skating up the road and carried on her merry way. Luckily the car behind me stopped and came back to the shop with me to explain to my boss why the customer wasn't getting his bike

Rizzle from the Portizzle

is it just me spent a two weeks tiling mosaic art deco 2 bathrooms total finished polished off ready to go
client says can you just fix these floor trims between door ways for my carpet ok no problem get drill out
drill first hole through screed 22mm heating pipe there she blows pushed drill into hold water turned the electric off 10 hours later chopped out screed drained down system repaired pipes my reward a f parking ticket 2 .
two jobs later mate was screwing down floor boards Bryan keep ever side of the lines whats he do go in the middle .2 floor flat dont take screws out drain down system 10 hours gone .
well turned up for a new job rang the door bell did not work no nocker so so tapped on one of the glass pannels
in the door well that shattered client opens the door .not happy that glass has survived two world wars even the
house that used to be over there did not .but not you .
once was tiling a octagon conservatory with lime stone sealed all the tiles first and lined them all up round the walls stand up with a gap between them of 100mm so they could dry was talking to byain client came in swung
the double doors into the first one on each side they went down like a domino rally :eek: it was quick but standing there looking not knowing witch way to run first :confused: .
then there was the time me and my brother put down expanding metal wet the floor for screeding then started
to screed half way though the floor goes live 110 vault transformer loading the floor 2 cats on a hot tin roof
my hair still goes its own way even today :ribbon:


This thread has just bought back a memory. Retiling a shower for a mate at mates rates, he'd had it done a few years before and it had failed badly (plywood onto studs..). So we ripped it all out, reboarded, tiled and I'd just put up the side panel for the shower cubicle ( reusing the old one) turned around to pick up my level and heard a crack. As I turned back, like something from a cartoon, a crack went down the glass and then it shattered into thousands of pieces all in glorious slow motion.
I've no idea why it broke but I did pay for a new one.
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