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Colour Republic

32 I have given him a month to buck his ideas up

From your opening post I thought it was going to be some young lad.

At 32 he's hardly a kid that is more interested in chasing skirt than a career, no doubt he's got responsibilities at 32 and you'd hope he'd apply himself in the right way.

Im going to echo pretty much what Wrighty said.

In all honesty some people just aren't suited to certain types of construction, you have to be a natural born problem solver IMO. I've got a decorator (a bloody good one at that) who works for me sometimes, I got him his first job decorating at 18, he's now 37. Over that time he has worked on countless jobs of mine, spent years watching what I and others do and he's always wanted me to teach him other areas of construction. I've tried many times to widen his skill set as really wants to learn but some thing in his head just won't let it click. He can copy parrot fashion but he really struggles to work it out for himself. He's not stupid, far from it. I've just come to the conclusion his brain just isn't wired right for certain tasks and this is a guy that has spent the last 19 years on building sites. But after 10 years of trying, I've given up.

In my case the guy is a friend and more than pulling his weight on the decorating side but if it was an apprentice learning another trade I would have got shot a long time ago. Yes it's harsh but nobody is entitled to a living and you can't carry someone just because he's a likeable guy.

Like I say some people just aren't suited to certain types of jobs no matter how long and hard they try.


To be fair to his employer he is paying him a half decent wage to learn him a trade , any mistakes is paid for by the employer .
If he was a 18 year old kid up here i would pay him £150 a week.
a apprenticeship is for learning a trade , for a employer to use his own time and money to learn someone a job he can do for the rest of his life , it costs us money for a year or two until they start earning us a few quid , and at the end of the day thats what employees are there for , earning us, there masters ;) a lot of money so we can have mondays off when we are rough :beercheers::beercheers::ramen:

Old Mod

Yeah but it's not an apprenticeship Craig, nor is he 18 haha
But he's averaging 10m a day fixed and grouted, without supervision.
You gotta figure it's worth more than £5.25 a metre, if experianced fixers are on £15 for example and the company is still making a profit then they're taking another £10 a metre of Ash!!
So they're prob making at least 3 times what he is and not even teaching him cos he's working on his todd!
I think anyone who can knock out 10m a day grouted should be worth a bit more, don't u!

Mr Tiler

@Colour Republic thats take home bud. @3_fall thats most days when doing the standard plots, the wetrooms take longer and today was doing 6 inch in a bathroom took me all day to fix about 6 m2 lol but thats cuz i barely use small tiles at work. But i know im worth a bit more than i get but feel theres not much i can do if i ask for more money i highley doubt id get any more. I do jave company van to take into consideration though i guess thats part of the reason


I learn something in many years working with a team of tilers,someone have eyes and hands and someone never learn.I actually have one guy who work with me for more then one year and start laborer,couple of months was good enough to work alone,now I can't fault him,is really good and fast,some of my clients prefer him not me!.In this year I change more then 30 another ''tilers'' who don't know nothing more then a helper.I not have patient anymore,if is smart and pay attention you can see in a couple of days,not need to try and try again.
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