Discuss Fair or not? The police are trying to get this video off the web! in the General Off-topic Chat area at TilersForums.com.



Certainly makes for an interesting discussion! However for it to be an unbiased decision as to if it was fair or not you should really be in possession of the full facts. For example- was there a section 35 dispersal notice or a section 60 notice in power at the time? If so, then it is highly likely that all of the teenagers in the video were in contravention of any powers in place and the officers would use reasonable force as neccesary in the circumstances to enforce the powers.

Alot of people are totally unaware that Police officers are not employees, they hold the office of Constable and are servants of the crown. Every constable is an independent legal entity; the public’s guarantee of impartiality. Officers of the
crown operate independent of undue influence, interference and with a personal responsibility for the safety of the public and the prevention and detection of crime and disorder.

Is it fair or not????...... God knows, thats why we have a transparent and fair system in this country and have an independent investigatory body who investigate any allegations of police wrong doing (Independent Police complaints commission).
Let them worry about what is right or wrong I say!

Old Mod

All interesting and totally reasonable comments, and I'm not in disagreement, except......imo, from the footage, it all appeared to get out of hand because of one copper. The young dark haired guy who came running over and immediately started pushing , shoving and grabbing,and ultimately started brandishing his metal expandable baton.
He didn't even bother talking to his colleagues to see if they were in control.
And yeah they were gobby teenagers, but they didn't exactly appear to be the physical type, did they??
But yes, probably very biased footage.

Are you a Special Constable Geoff?


All interesting and totally reasonable comments, and I'm not in disagreement, except......imo, from the footage, it all appeared to get out of hand because of one copper. The young dark haired guy who came running over and immediately started pushing , shoving and grabbing,and ultimately started brandishing his metal expandable baton.
He didn't even bother talking to his colleagues to see if they were in control.
And yeah they were gobby teenagers, but they didn't exactly appear to be the physical type, did they??
But yes, probably very biased footage.

Are you a Special Constable Geoff?
That is exactly how I saw it.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
An old mod of ours Oli was quite high up in the force. Top bloke. Couldn't do their job for even double their pay. Basically baby sitting the worst of the country come weekends. And dealing with the worst on other days.

I've been on the receiving end of a police battering a couple of times but have to say I deserved it lol Grown up now mind.


It did seem to me that the response was disproportionate to the threat level and one of the officers was overtly aggressive and only served to escalate the situation . But if the police feel they did nothing wrong why would they want it removed .

Again, none of us are privy to what happened before hand. It may well be a case of one officer using excessive force, but then again it could be a case of that officer dealing with that lad 5 minutes previous where he could have been assaulted or had just cause to use the force he did.

As for the police feeling they did nothing wrong and why would they want it removed....... this is the fairest and recommended way of dealing with the video if there is an ongoing investigation into either the Police or the youth(s). So many court cases have been lost and guilty crooks let free where 'do gooders' have spread viral videos on social media which has led to there being issues with how the trial is dealt with in an impartial way.

It's all too common nowadays. I must see at least one social media post a day where the 'pack mentality' is evident. People bad mouthing authorities or individuals even when they have no personal experience of the issue. To be perfectly honest it really gets my back up! .....I hide it well I know! ;)
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