S Scottish Mark Jan 24, 2008 #14 The Queen Is Dead- The Smiths The Whole Story- Kate Bush Defo Maybe Oasis
I IvegotsTILE Jan 25, 2008 #16 Whats the story-Oasis Nothing else comes close......well maybe the Best of Phil Collins.
T tilermandan Jan 25, 2008 #17 joshua tree good call red hot chilli peppers - stadium arcadium!:hurray:
C CLAYS TILES Jan 25, 2008 #18 the worzels........................combine harvester!!! Bat out of hell 1,2+3 all Meat loaf are good! pinky & perky - yellow submarine :stupid:
the worzels........................combine harvester!!! Bat out of hell 1,2+3 all Meat loaf are good! pinky & perky - yellow submarine :stupid:
W White Room Jan 25, 2008 #19 Elton John Goodbye yellow brick road, double album still got the vinyl Enya all her albums Phil collins The best of
Elton John Goodbye yellow brick road, double album still got the vinyl Enya all her albums Phil collins The best of
D dean39 Jan 25, 2008 #20 Pink Floyd for me as me fav album................Dark Side Of The Moon........:grouphug: