favourite grout and why.

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brian c

i know we did a poll on this but i was wondering what type of grout you all use and why you preferthis against other manufacturers grout,whether it be because of cost or whatever else.

I know BAL came out top of the poll the last time but just curious .
I like mapei for coloured grouts but for white i think BAl. That stuff is great , no mess. I hate Granfix.
White grout has got to be bal, Have tried mapie but only once like the speed it sets, No local supplier.
Current favorite is Mapei Ultracolor Plus for me if not white. Ardex F4 for white currently.
Mapei for me too,
i love the ultracolour for floors and mosaic walls,
all other walls i love the keracolourFF.lovely to work with but i was using norcross last week and it was sweet on walls too,not used BAL much as my big local has Mapei.they give me plenty so i use mapei plenty.



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