fipple's got a sigma

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Just got my sigma 3a with case!:hurray:what a beautiful cutter!...the case is massive though...if i get another sigma i,ll not bother wiv case...would need 2 vans to carry em:smilewinkgrin:
What cutter did you use before you got it?
Im a Rubi lover but would like to give a Sigma a go.

Let us know how you get on with it and how it compares to your last cutter :thumbsup:
What cutter did you use before you got it?
Im a Rubi lover but would like to give a Sigma a go.

Let us know how you get on with it and how it compares to your last cutter :thumbsup:

once you tried sigma you will defo WANT ONE :thumbsup:
I will stick to my Rubi TX 700, tried a sigma once didn't like it. Each to their own:thumbsup:
Sorry ive been out shopping for castello porcelian tiles for me dinning room! excuse to try out the new sigma:hurray:...ive tried it on 10mm/15mm ceramic thus far...and its working a treat,very gentle pressure is needed and its an amazingly clean cut....feels very well ive never used a "pull cutter before ...its already feeling more natural to use ..i can apply pressure more accurately...Before i owned a ts-50...personally ive never really like it much,...seperate breaker etc..i honestly didnt think there was much else except a rubi...then i peaked over the fence and saw ramic put me onto mark stanley from daltech scotland,....ordered it thursday,was here friday am...i live in bedfordshire...oh! and i got a mars bar with it as not sure y,nice stanley is a topbloke..would recommend


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