Hi All and thank you in advance. I'm DIY'er with quite good general understanding and capable of using of tools 🙂
This will be my first adventure with tiling(well done few tiles then and there, but not from start to finish).
I wanted to renovate our en-suite, we live in timber frame house, floor is 18mm floor board. I want to lay tiles on walls 2 and floor, install shower tray and wall hung toilet.
I was thinking that I would remove old plasterboard and install 12mm No More Ply instead. Tiles that we will use are Attingham 40x15cm, floor would be 6mm NMP screwed in to 18mm floorboards with recessed area for shower tray. Tiles for floor are Lato 30x32 (small mosaic) and will be level with shower tray. NMP would be screwed, glued and primed with SBR primer. Would it need to be waterproofed with i.e Mapei kit or SBR would be enough?
I was about to get Rubi du-200 evo as we are planning to do some more tiling in the future. Is there any point in changing stock blade, I'm not sure if it's any good for tiles that I'm gonna use, or there is something better which would make job easier?
What throwel I should be using for floor and walls (I was thinking 10-12 for floor, 8-10 for walls).
I'm not sure what adhesive I would need to get? S2 or smth else? What adhesive you would recommend ... make/name?
In terms of grout I was looking into Fugalite Bio? Would it be suitable? Maybe there is something better?
I was thinking to start tiling from walls (top corner) and progress to the floor, leaving bottom row. Corner tiles would be beveled. Next, grout walls and move to laying the floor. Once completed I would cut bottom row for walls and finish grouting walls and floor. Would it be correct approach?
Once again, thank you for your time and advice.
This will be my first adventure with tiling(well done few tiles then and there, but not from start to finish).
I wanted to renovate our en-suite, we live in timber frame house, floor is 18mm floor board. I want to lay tiles on walls 2 and floor, install shower tray and wall hung toilet.
I was thinking that I would remove old plasterboard and install 12mm No More Ply instead. Tiles that we will use are Attingham 40x15cm, floor would be 6mm NMP screwed in to 18mm floorboards with recessed area for shower tray. Tiles for floor are Lato 30x32 (small mosaic) and will be level with shower tray. NMP would be screwed, glued and primed with SBR primer. Would it need to be waterproofed with i.e Mapei kit or SBR would be enough?
I was about to get Rubi du-200 evo as we are planning to do some more tiling in the future. Is there any point in changing stock blade, I'm not sure if it's any good for tiles that I'm gonna use, or there is something better which would make job easier?
What throwel I should be using for floor and walls (I was thinking 10-12 for floor, 8-10 for walls).
I'm not sure what adhesive I would need to get? S2 or smth else? What adhesive you would recommend ... make/name?
In terms of grout I was looking into Fugalite Bio? Would it be suitable? Maybe there is something better?
I was thinking to start tiling from walls (top corner) and progress to the floor, leaving bottom row. Corner tiles would be beveled. Next, grout walls and move to laying the floor. Once completed I would cut bottom row for walls and finish grouting walls and floor. Would it be correct approach?
Once again, thank you for your time and advice.