If you need to lop the edges off do so from both sides and it will balance itself.
The 3 sizes 900, 1000 & 1200 are square, if you want say an oblong, hexagonal round wet room base then these can be cut from any of the sizes no broblem.
Wet rooms are increasing in popularity because of the space they allow you and they are easy to keep clea. We are just taking on a screen that will fold back against a wall so its there when you want it but gives much more space when you dont.
hope this is of help
The 3 sizes 900, 1000 & 1200 are square, if you want say an oblong, hexagonal round wet room base then these can be cut from any of the sizes no broblem.
Wet rooms are increasing in popularity because of the space they allow you and they are easy to keep clea. We are just taking on a screen that will fold back against a wall so its there when you want it but gives much more space when you dont.
hope this is of help