Floor levelling

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ok levelling a floor you can use most self levellers to go up to that thickness but not in one application. For a screed you need to make it a min of 25mm thick normally 50mm in your case you would be talking about 2 inches which screed could be recommended but the whole floor needs to come up by that much because if you taper it off to make it thinner it will crack which you would have to do to meet your high point. Self leveller sets a lot faster mate and if trowelled and mixed correctly you can't go wrong. You must prime the floor and prime it well and make sure there is no gypsum plaster around because this will react and may make it fail. Best of luck

Proper Job - mate !!

Please read my reply !
Look on the website !
Phone the manufacturer !

Yes you can self level up to 50mm in 1 application with no shrinkage or cracking ( with no chippings ) If you use the right gear.


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