I did the NETT course at the end of May,jumped in both feet first.Bought all the tools signwritten my car,embroidered t-s and got myself in the local Topps.
I was expecting to go on a different course that was longer and much more expensive but opted for NETT instead and spent the rest of my money on all the tools and other stuff plus tiles to do all my mums house for the experience.
I made sure I got on really well with all the guys at topps by knipping in every week even if it was just to buy a bag of grout even if I didn't need it,it was always at dinner time and I always brought a few fresh sausuge rolls and cans of coke to keep them sweet.
I now get loads of work from topps,the last guy they put my way put me onto a bathroom showroom,I've been working there since the start of November and its all high spec,they also sell the tiles that I've laid in all the bays and the manager says they'll only have my card in the showroom,its also great to use as a showpiece of the standard of work I can do if potential customers want to see my work.
When I started out it was hard waiting for the work to come in(You should have enough money saved aside to pay all your bills and living costs for 3 months if you quit your job).When the first few calls came in to quote I really sold myself but I kept to my guns and didn't quote cheap,I did the job to a great standard even doing the odd few things they asked for without charging and all the time pushing them to get there stuff from topps so I could make some money from supplying the materials and tiles.Also keeping the guys at topps happy.
I can guarantee all my customers are 110%happy with my service and this I think is absolutely key to getting more work in.
I've put in a lot of hard work and long,long hours but I'm starting to earn the sort of money that gives me a good living,I love working for myself and making my customers really happy.
Best of all I love tiling:hurray:
A big thank you to Darren and all the guys at Nett and a big thank you to all the guys that have helped me out on this site,especially Dave and Gaz