For all you star gazers out there!

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I'll browse that later Dave, I'm quite a keen amateur astronomer lthough my telescope is in the loft till I get the work done on my house:thumbsup:
Love it. There's a few of those on youtube but that's a good quality one.

Makes you realise how small we are on our little planet here when you see the amount of stars out there let alone the planets surrounding them.

Apparently the latest earthquake shifted us on our axis 8cm which means a 1.26 microsecond has come off our day. The one in 2004 that caused the tsunami knocked us 7cm off our axis but took 6.something microseconds off our day due to the tectonic plates being slanted differently compared to the recent quake.

So in a million days we'll notice a 7 second difference in the day. Not much in human life terms but massive in the terms of a planets rotation as naturally our earth spinning slows down much much less than that.

I can read about the universe all day long. Love it to bits.
Wicked bit of film!

Another that I like

[ame=]YouTube - The Hubble Deep Field: The Most Important Image Ever Taken[/ame]

ninja edit: the numa numa guy is supposed to be in there (the presenter is a little weird)
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