good reading

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Got Phillip Pullmans series and a couple of Terry Pratchett. All light reading stuff
I got 3 the Andy Goram THE GOALIE,also got the new Ally McCOIST book and DEREK JOHNSTONES BOOK.

that's amazing because out of the 3 of them i would have thought DJ would be the only 1 that could write,come to think of it brian are the pictures good?
Not sure that this is worthy of this thread, but I received 'I am Ozzy". It's an interesting read though.
if anybody wants

that paul mckenna book that dan recommends, then send me a pm and you can have it free on me...

you can have deborah meadens.....common sense rules too.

both good but once their read there dead if you know what i mean lol


What a nice chap Ed is, refused the postage and sending them out tomorrow.

Throughly decent bloke.

just read the first of Stephen Kings "Dark Tower" series (The Gunlinger) waiting for the next to come in at library, in the meantime I've got a Sidney Sheldon double whammy to read:thumbsup:


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