Grout Cleaners

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Ok Boys and girls lets get some recommendations for some grout cleaners, i'm not talking about grout removers but cleaners that freshen up mouldy grout.

It's very rare I use cleaners but now and again, like a job i've got coming up it wouldn't be cost effect to re-grout just a clean up is all the customer requires.

So let's have them and give marks out of ten and a full review (i.e good and bad points) if you can:thumbsup:


i use the HG grout cleaner.I think its very good for the job but is very potent and gloves ,mask etc should be used...try it its only about 7 or 8 quid.
hi cr

lithofin kf grout cleaner and they do kf grout protector too ,,,

And how did you find them Ed? how many applications until it left a good result? on say white grout

once we start to get a few brands i'll start a poll
on another note Gazebo, why have you not asked for access to the Tilers Arms? there are lots of threads that you'd be interested in:thumbsup:
good idea,then the lads will have the rain kept off them when they go for a ciggy.........

GAZEBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK im going to bed.:snore:
hi mate

i find all lithofin products to be excellent, havent found anything better as yet?
the amount of applications depend a bit on how bad a condition the grout but you wont be disappointed rob :thumbsup: unlike tonights match?


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