I just asked him about that and he says that 'the second layer of grout (done 3 weeks after the first one) was just to seal those pinholes and that what is running is just the residue of that 2nd layer and once I wipe it off it will be fine. Is that even a remote possibility? Surely, that residue would have been wiped off when he sponged the grout at the end. Should I trust him or is he simply lying to get out of having to do this properly...Over wetting the grout weakens the strength/hardness of the grout. There is a reason there is a mixing ratio on the back of the bag. If over watered it won’t fully hydrate/set.
It needs raking out and doing properly.
I'm gutted. I went from liking the bloke and wanting to recommend them to my friends to doubting a word he says or feeling like maybe I am just being played.
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