have i waisted my money advertising in local paper

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When I first started I paid for 4 weeks advertising in my local paper and never got one single enquiry. I was absolutely devastated. £120 I had just thrown away. I then started assessing at where maybe I had gone wrong. Was the wording wrong in my advert or what? Should the advert of been bigger? I thought of all these things.
Then looking back at the newspapers I noticed there were about 7 tilers advertising in the paper at that time and I noticed I was always 2nd or 3rd from the bottom every week. I thought this was not acceptable. The next time the newspaper approached me to renew my advert I was straight to the point with them. I told them if they could assure me in the next 4 weeks if I placed an advert it would be in a different position every week, then they could have my business. I was told that they could never guarantee this. I said “that’s fine then have a nice day”. 10 minutes later the phone rang guess what? They want my business. Placed my adverts. 1st week got a job worth £2,500. I now get about 1 job a week from that newspaper or at least an enquiry. The moral of the story anyone that is new to the game should always be firm with the people that you are paying money to for your advertising. This has worked for me.
I'm a believer of repeat advertising over a long period of time. But nothing wrong with a small weekly ad should be fine for say a few months.

One offs never seem to work for me.

To start with you have to advertise a lot. Later on you can do remineders


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