H & S is my middle name....apparently. Its crucial for us, because we have h & s grading with all the clients. Every piece of kit has to be pat tested on 6 month interval. Before we have even walked on the job, there is a mountain of method statements, risk assessments, cosshh assessments, material data sheets, you name it they want it. If they don't have it, and its not gone to status A, them lads will not be allowed to start. After this has happened then every document has to be uploaded onto the h & s files for that project. I have to have drugs and alcohol policies, enviromental polices, anti-corruption polices, health assessment policies, I have a full house of polices, and the records are checked. Tool Box Talks, manual handling, logistical tactics policies...the list is endless. Don't be thinking that these records are never checked, they are and if they are not up to date we can lose our Grade A status, which means no more work on the big contracts. Then nots let forget the site safety supervisor cards that a proportion of the lads have to have.
As Nybor said, if you are ever caught with out your glasses on, your gloves on, caught smoking outside the site, your yellow carded, if you do it again, your red carded, then you dismissed from site for the day sometimes 3 days and then have to go back through your site induction.