Hello Chaps,

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Hello Lads,
Thanks for the advice and its all been taken on board, However, ive had a day out at PTS and thought it was fantastic........i think that i cant go far wrong by doing there 4 week course. I'am expecting to start the course in May, i just have'nt payed for it yet...

Tiling is what i think that i can turn my hand too, i'am in the Military at the moment and i have a keen eye for attention to detail and happy to put the hours in.

just trying to think ahead so that nothing catches me out, you civies have been doing this for along time and iam looking forward to starting.

i've just finished tiling the hallway floor and i really enjoyed myself and i oly made one mistake while getting used to my nibblers (nearly took my finger off), if i find out how to sumit pic i'll bet them on the next reply

Once again Many Thanks for the reply.

You will be OK with your choice Dave. Beano, one of the instructors at Warrington is ex Army.

Hi mate and welcome to the forums :thumbsup:

Can't comment on the course but all I've heard is good things about them.

If you have £10,000 to spend then personally I'd start off spending as little as possible to start with and replace cheaper tools and van with better more expensive ones with the money you make in tiling.

That way you can't end up blowing the whole lot, finding it very hard to get established and end up being skint and having to sell everything on low price to get some money back.

Not meaning to sound negative, but buying cheaper items when you start out and only replacing them 6 months down the line or so only if the profit from tiling allows it, that way if you can easily afford to do so from proffit then all well and good, but if you can't then that's showing you ain't busy enough to warrent the bigger pro gear.


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