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T & P

Hi Guys & Gals

I need some help. I have renovated a few houses tiled a couple of bathrooms & floors but I usually do the plumbing, electrics and carpentry and get some in to do the the plastering and tiling. But with my latest project I have 4 rooms to do floor tiling in, kitchen bathroom, cloakroom walls to do so I have decided to do it all myself. I want to find a good course to learn to do the tiling properly and the idea is that when I've got some experience doing my own to go on and try and earn a living at it. I already have friends and family lined up for jobs. I have found a course on the internet Wall and Floor Tiling Courses at High Lea Tiling Centre Dorset UK 2 and they do a 2 week course fo 650 pounds. Having looked at other courses this seems tremedous value. I have contacted them and they only have a max. of 5 people on a course and they have invited me to visit the centre and talk with people on the course. Has anyone heard anything or had an experience of this course. Thanks for any help and advice.


Concept PHT

Hi there...

If you can be bothered to go up to the Midlands, I can 100% recommend Chase Tiling Academy. I think its about 450 quid for 2 weeks. There is cheap acccomodation close by too.

Read my post in the 'courses' forum about it all.

I have also been told by the course tutor there, that the academy is imminently going to be accredited by the CITB, therefore not just handing out bog standard 'course attended' certificates, but presenting students with the Intermediate Construction Award and offering students to go further with On Site Assessment & Training, once enough experience has been gained. CSCS is also being offered too, running alongside these awards, as far as I am aware.

If you need somebody on site with you for a week or 2 to get your tiling done, then I will be happy to help you out - It will be nice to work outside the Midlands for a change.


T & P

Thanks for the offer Anthony but I have to learn this tiling game to try and save some money and then make some money as my money to do the house as nearly run out. Regarding Chase Tiling I have just received their information but I do find it a pain when companies have a web site that gives you very little information and you have to email them, wait for a reply asking for your address to send you stuff by snail mail! It took 5 days to get the information that you get in 5 minutes off good web sites. It’s a pain for me costly for them and if it wasn’t for the fact that they are on the door step I would not even have bothered to contact them. Sorry to moan but I find it crazy that people just do not make the best use of the internet and lose business.:confused:
Now regarding tiling courses I have looked at the info they have sent and looked at your posts and they seem to be a good company. Comparing them with the company I mentioned in my first post cost wise Chase is £625, High Lea £650, Chase have up to 8 people training, High Lea have only 5. But the big difference for me is the fact that Chase’s training day runs from 9.30 till 4.30 and High Lea’s runs from 8.00 till 5.00 which over a 2 week course means I’ll have over 20 extra hours training compared to Chase. The quality of the training is whats important though so I have decided that I need to visit both training centres before I make a decision about who to go with.

Owen :):):)


Hello Cooperman

I am very sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with our website.

We appreciate your comments regarding sending out info packs through the posts, and agree this is an inconvenience. New procedures are now in place, and anyone requesting a pack on-line, will receive immediate responce via email.

We understand your concerns regarding prices not shown on our website. As you will appreciate, our prices can change often, due to special offers/discounts, increase costing of products and may be the dreaded VAT etc !!

We will be more than happy to advise you of the current prices/costs via email or telephone (01543 424205).

With regards to starting times, as we understand we are the only Tiling Acadamy in Cannock, Staffs. Most of our students can travel from various parts of the country. We want to offer fair assessment and Equal Opportunities for everyone, and by choosing the start/finish times as 09.30-16.30, we believe that we are offering the best services that we possibly can.

We appreciate that you concerns about annual salary/income for this trade. However, we, as company, can not answer this question as it is down to individuals what they choose to charge for their work. From our experience, £32,000 is a reasonable figure, providing you have the qualifications and the business to generate this income.

We are a well-known and professional company, and take pride in our students and the facilities that we offer.

I hope this has answered all of your concerns, however, if you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or telephone.

Many Thanks

Margaret & Phil (Chase Tiling Acadamy)


Hi Cooperman.....i wanted to add my bit about your concerns regarding the training times at chase.....

I have just completed the course at PTS in Harlow and there official start time was also 9:30 this was set because some of the lads who were on the course had long journy's in each day and it would have become an absolute pain in the arse for them to have got there for 8am.....

However PTS did have what is called a free hour every morning between 8 & 9:30 for all those who could or wanted to get in early and practice, or wanted extra training from one of the teachers......very usefull it was too :)

This system made it very fair on everyone, those who had long journy's could chose to make the effort and get in early if they wanted to but if this was to much of a problem for them the could rest assured that they were missing nothing because the official days lesson did not start untill 9:30 anyway..... everyone happy :D

If this is a big concern of yours then maybe you could ask Chase if they do a similar thing and if they don't then maybe they would be happy to do it just for you...... PTS were great for doing things like this for individuals!! and also mate from what i hear from other people i have spoken to that they run a very good outfit and programme there..

Hope this helps a bit with your choice mate

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Concept PHT

CTA are very accomodating and will adapt to your needs within reason :)

They bent over backwards to accomodate the training needs of all the guys on my course, including breaking the 4 week course over weekends etc.

Glossy brochures and fancy web sites are no comparison to quality training - which is what clinched it for me and the course turned out to be just what I was after for my new career.


Re: Course starting times

Hello tjsmiler

Myself and the course instructor go out of our way to help our students.

We would be willing to allow students to come in early to have a little more practise, people only have to ask. The course starting stime is 9.30am as many of our students have to travel and it is only fiar to offer fair assessemts and equal opportunities.

We are also flexible with the course finishing times, and we believe that we are offering the best services that we possible can.

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