HELP!!! my tiles are falling off

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Leatherface even my misses :lol: anything more than ply its a funny world they will build a shower out of plaster board witch :joker: gets wet but wont make a bath panel out of it which doen`t if ply gets wet it moves if plasterboard gets wet it goes soggy which means you have a leak i know which one would b easy to change Pete
I'm tiling a bathroom put a new bath panel which is a new piece of ply. I gave it 2 coats of BAL SBR BONDING before tiling using blue star. When i went back the next day i touched one of the tiles & it just fell off. I was horrified & was really wooried all the rest will fall off very soon. What did i do wrong? I'm having to use no more nails now.

Can anyone help me please?
It may be because your adhesive was drying before you got to put a tile on it. As a rule, only spread enough adhesive that you can cover with tiles in 30 minutes.

Also, from time to time, stir your adhesive bucket to keep the top of your pot nice and damp..... (no innuendo's

Dave it would be cheaper :lol:
Lets Ban Ply :thumbsup:
And Gaz :grin:
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blue star no good
mosaic fix the way to go

hada huge failer with blue star once 50m of shiny new tiles on the floor :ninja:
Blue star would have be fine although not ideal as white star or D20 would have been better.The problem has stemmed from the application of the bonding agent SBR onto the face thats receiving tile as with blue star this is not required although its recommended to be used on the sides and back. My advice would be to contact the technical helpline, on 0845 600 1 222
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blue star on ply??? even with super duper primer

wouldnt use blue star even if the ply was marine ply 6" thick n screwed every inch
nnn primed

mosiac fix

sorry no offence ment just ranting :ninja:


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