Hi, I intend to tile a bathroom floor this week. I have problems in using anything more than 6mm external ply. Would like to use more, but not able to. I am fitting 6mm ply directly onto T&G floor boards. I intend to screw approx 100mm centres. I intend to over kill the fixings to make sure it's secured down. Do I PVA to the underside of the ply & joints or do I use P51 primer? and what reason is this for, please? Also do I use Ardex P51 on top of the ply for the adhesive to take. I will be using felxi-Adhesive & flixi-Grout.
Something like Ardex 7001 adhesive. Thanking you, Jeff from West Yorkshire.
Something like Ardex 7001 adhesive. Thanking you, Jeff from West Yorkshire.