Hi all,
Not posted in a while but been keeping my eye on the forum!! good to see most of you still here, and some new faces!!
Went out to price a 15m2 slate floor last week, just calling client back with estimate and he tells me (as if doing me a favour), ive just given the plywood a coating of pva and gonna give it another tomorrow!! OMG!!
so i told him to wash it all back off again with some hot soapy water!, ffs!! He is the kinda guy who thinks he knows best about everything tbh.
when i tried to price his tiles at local shop, the girl told he "are you working for mr ...bla"
, ermm yip, well i have given him the full discout so you wont get then any cheaper!! , i then told him of our discussion and his words where "yip - you dont know who you are dealing with here , im a tough nagotiator and know how to deal with tradsmen!!" orely!! it was then he informed me of his handy work with the pva!! what a nob!
Not posted in a while but been keeping my eye on the forum!! good to see most of you still here, and some new faces!!
Went out to price a 15m2 slate floor last week, just calling client back with estimate and he tells me (as if doing me a favour), ive just given the plywood a coating of pva and gonna give it another tomorrow!! OMG!!
so i told him to wash it all back off again with some hot soapy water!, ffs!! He is the kinda guy who thinks he knows best about everything tbh.
when i tried to price his tiles at local shop, the girl told he "are you working for mr ...bla"
, ermm yip, well i have given him the full discout so you wont get then any cheaper!! , i then told him of our discussion and his words where "yip - you dont know who you are dealing with here , im a tough nagotiator and know how to deal with tradsmen!!" orely!! it was then he informed me of his handy work with the pva!! what a nob!