Thanks to all who post such useful info. I've got little to offer you yet except likely a good laugh at my expense over the coming days & weeks, but very grateful for the shared wisdom already.
Brand new to all this, but just discovered my folks have a problem with their shower and likely I'll be the idiot "fixing" it:
Looked very pretty, a few years back...
Now the chipboad (yes) substrate is like sheet potting compost, but smellier, with more mushrooms.
Getting a known builder in to assess the structure today, then it's likely my turn to rebuild the rest.
I'm thinking strip, clean & dry it, 18mm+ marine ply base to fit, check tray is well supported, snug fit with like materials all round, tanking, under-tile trim edges, w/p flexible adhesives and grout, vitreous tiles, Silicon finishing.
Obviously there are some complications to make it a good beginners project - like the tray is 15 cm shorter than the cubicle - so there's going to be some angled tiling too.
Now for putting that into practice... All helpful comments and ideas REALLY WELCOME!
Thanks to all who post such useful info. I've got little to offer you yet except likely a good laugh at my expense over the coming days & weeks, but very grateful for the shared wisdom already.
Brand new to all this, but just discovered my folks have a problem with their shower and likely I'll be the idiot "fixing" it:
Looked very pretty, a few years back...
Now the chipboad (yes) substrate is like sheet potting compost, but smellier, with more mushrooms.
Getting a known builder in to assess the structure today, then it's likely my turn to rebuild the rest.
I'm thinking strip, clean & dry it, 18mm+ marine ply base to fit, check tray is well supported, snug fit with like materials all round, tanking, under-tile trim edges, w/p flexible adhesives and grout, vitreous tiles, Silicon finishing.
Obviously there are some complications to make it a good beginners project - like the tray is 15 cm shorter than the cubicle - so there's going to be some angled tiling too.
Now for putting that into practice... All helpful comments and ideas REALLY WELCOME!