I had the whole bottom floor of my house tiled with 600 x 600 polished porcelain. Great job but there is a single tile where one corner (say 200 x 200) is hollow underneath (hollow sound when I rap it with my knuckles). I'm really worried about this breaking when one of my kids inevitably jumps on it. Is there any way to fill the hollow space under the tile without disturbing the tile? The grouting is about 3mm wide.
Thanks guys!
I had the whole bottom floor of my house tiled with 600 x 600 polished porcelain. Great job but there is a single tile where one corner (say 200 x 200) is hollow underneath (hollow sound when I rap it with my knuckles). I'm really worried about this breaking when one of my kids inevitably jumps on it. Is there any way to fill the hollow space under the tile without disturbing the tile? The grouting is about 3mm wide.
Thanks guys!