no mate, but i would definately buy a ritmo for the rendering. i have been doing a alot of rendering lately. k rend and weber pral and a bit of external wall insulation similar to your pool insulation systems. the rain has put things back a bit lately but apart from that, everythings good.
i'm definately going to do both tiling and plastering because with things the way they are, it seems the logical thing to do while things are up and down.
how are you mate. really glad you are back on. people with your experience and skill are rare now so we've gotta look after you ;0)
i'm definately going to do both tiling and plastering because with things the way they are, it seems the logical thing to do while things are up and down.
how are you mate. really glad you are back on. people with your experience and skill are rare now so we've gotta look after you ;0)