Been meaning to post this for a while now.
Check out the link below for details of changes to the CSCSscheme.
Basically the route to the site operatives card (green) willcease to exist and will be replaced by a labourers card (which is also green).
After July 1[SUP]st[/SUP] 2014 any tiler looking to gain aCSCS card who does not have an NVQ in wall and floor tiling will be affectedwhen they try to renew their existing card.
If you don't have an NVQ in wall and floor tiling and needto renew your card then from July 1st 2014 you will need to complete the cscshealth and safety test and complete a health and safety course (which atthe moment looks like being approx 40 guided learning hours).
The awarding bodies (city and guilds, c.i.t.b and others)are creating the new course which will come into effect from July 1st 2014.
As of July 2014 Able skills will be delivering the new healthand safety course along with the current cscs test.
If you already have an NVQ at level 2 (or higher) in walland floor tiling then when your card expires you can just take the cscs testand renew your card as now.
This change is aimed at workers without NVQs.
If you are interested in gaining an NVQ in wall and floortiling or various other construction trades via the experienced worker route(EWPA) or onsite assessment and training route (OSAT) please check out ourwebsite or call on 01322280202.
Check out the link below for details of changes to the CSCSscheme.
Basically the route to the site operatives card (green) willcease to exist and will be replaced by a labourers card (which is also green).
After July 1[SUP]st[/SUP] 2014 any tiler looking to gain aCSCS card who does not have an NVQ in wall and floor tiling will be affectedwhen they try to renew their existing card.
If you don't have an NVQ in wall and floor tiling and needto renew your card then from July 1st 2014 you will need to complete the cscshealth and safety test and complete a health and safety course (which atthe moment looks like being approx 40 guided learning hours).
The awarding bodies (city and guilds, c.i.t.b and others)are creating the new course which will come into effect from July 1st 2014.
As of July 2014 Able skills will be delivering the new healthand safety course along with the current cscs test.
If you already have an NVQ at level 2 (or higher) in walland floor tiling then when your card expires you can just take the cscs testand renew your card as now.
This change is aimed at workers without NVQs.
If you are interested in gaining an NVQ in wall and floortiling or various other construction trades via the experienced worker route(EWPA) or onsite assessment and training route (OSAT) please check out ourwebsite or call on 01322280202.