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i think the lads that have said up to 10 meters are bang on.

if you can millsie, try to get on a job with some site tilers. thats one of the best ways to get the speed you are looking for. you will pick up some great tips and a few bad habits ;0) lol but essentially you'll learn how to keep up and push yourself....the only way to get fast is to practice, get good tuition from professional tilers and keep pushing yourself to become more time concious with every task you undertake.

although this seems like a contradictionary statement, its very true..'speed takes time' so dont beat yourself up if you aint hitting the targets you want within the first year or so. learn the trade properly and then things get easier and then faster.

all the best
you'll get there mate!

Jeff the tiler

Go with most of the above but probably the majority do not take into account grouting time which will need to be added. An example just laid 21 mtrs of 60 x 60 on a nice floor, but not grouted yet. So in reality as an example. If i laid 21 mtrs in 7 hours and it took me 2 hours to grout and polish up. In a 7 hour day the equation would be
21 mtrs divided by 9 hours in total time multiplied by 7 hours which is an average working day then i would have laid 16.33 in a day NOT 21 mtrs.

Just used 7 hours as an example before any comments!!!!


why are you worrying about speed? A contractor will offer you price work at a m2 rate its then up to you to try and earn a days money out of it , at the beginning of your career you will find it incredibly tough and wont even take a break for a sandwich, work until you are the last person onsite and not make a decent days money .over time you will speed up to the point you will make your money by lunchtime and be driving home grouted up by 3.30. the better you become the more technical work you are given and then you end up doing less meterage and working longer hours but will have a nice portfoloio of work but will only earn wages thats my opinion any way good luck , Gary

The Legend; Phil Hobson RIP

:thumbsup:Tilers are like fishermen "it was this big, but it got away" over the years I have worked with hundreds if not thousands of tilers, some just talk a good job with their "I am this, have done that" then I have worked with some real craftsmen who just get on with it and do a top class job at phenomenal speed. I have told this story before but it is worth re-telling on this thread as it sums up some tilers.

I will change the location of the job and the "tilers" town of origin just in case this guy is on here. I was running a job in ********* city centre. One morning this tiler rocks up and asks' are you Phil Hobson? I say yep, he says they call me the ****** flyer, you have probably heard of me. I say actually no sorry I havn't.

This job was 13 floors on each floor was a ladies, gents, and disabled toilets, quite simple work really. I explained to the "flyer" that it was just 8"x4" portrait with a coloured band at dado height, there was about 30m2 in each room. The flyer turns to his mate and points to the first room and says "today aufwiedersehen" tomorrow pointing to the next room," aufwiedershen," Wednesday the next room " "aufwiedershen" .

Four days later he was still in the first room putting the border where it should have been, and patching rough work. The flyer did not last long, but he thought he was good, I'm sure his mum loved him bless. Moral of the story is don't talk the talk, unless you are sure you can walk the walk.:thumbsup:


So true,I think many tilers are called 'flyer', just because they were lucky to do many meters in one day.On the other side,I had occasion to see with my eyes many tilers really faster.We went on a large project (250 apartments),one guy was doing ​​2 bathroom in one day,40 m2,and really good work,and all day make the same.In another site,a team of father and 2 sons done in one day 120 m2 vibration tiling with small tiles(7x14 cm),grouted.Another good tiler,in the same house with me has made ​​1 bathroom and kitchen the same day,grouted and good work(bathroom was 18 m2,and kitchen 15 m2).To be fast you must have a system that does not fail, and long long practice.


Anouther factor to consider is when you are working on a private lived in house, as opposed to a (usually) messy dirty new construction is that you will have to allow the best part of a hour each day to dust sheet up between the entrance door and the room you are working in, and clean up at the end of the day. So if otherwise you would have fitted say 8m2 in the 8 hours you will only fit 7m2! You will also waste time on the first day explaining to the customer that the tiles they have been sold are actually to heavy for the walls that they have and you don't recommend fixing then etc etc

The biggest factors though are the types of tile and the complexity of the work as stated by many others.
Consider a kitchen with 10 x 10 porcelain with different colours which have to be randomly fixed without the same colour tile being adjacent to the same colour tile; lots of sockets (usually all at different heights); window sill (it wont be flat!) and pelmets to be tacken off trimmed and refitted. I know i'm lucky to fit 4m2/day like this and then it needs grouting and silicone rubber sealant.

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