TJs right, some people arent fussed about the cost, Ive had people tell me the jobs mine purely coz i turned up on time to price it!
Few rules I always go by;
1. arrive on time to quote (5 mins earlier if poss)
2. Shake customers hand
3.Take your shoes off when you go in! goes a long way with a lot of people.
4. Be polite. Advise them what to do, dont tell them. Its their house!
5. send a written quote or email it, alot of people dont like being told a price there and then coz they feel pressured to make a decision. That way you can work it out properly rather than coming up with a price there and then and later realising youve forgotten something that might eat into your profit.
Ive gone by these few rules for 7 years, Ive never advertised and have built up a really good reputation. People like someone they can trust with a key if they need to go out etc.