How to let a customer down!

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Tell them you have just secured a nine month contract at Heathrow airport, you priced this job months ago, and have just been given the green light. Due to this you are unable to take on any domestic work for the foreseeable future, to my shame I have used this one a few times.:sofahide::lol:

Yeah but I bet you where not kidding lol
Tell them you have just secured a nine month contract at Heathrow airport, you priced this job months ago, and have just been given the green light. Due to this you are unable to take on any domestic work for the foreseeable future, to my shame I have used this one a few times.:sofahide::lol:

i'll have to remember that one....:thumbsup: makes a change from the 'ive just broke my arm or leg' one lol
It's alright until little olds Mavis gets five tilers in and none can do it cos they've all secured 9 month contracts at heathrow!
i'll have to remember that one....:thumbsup: makes a change from the 'ive just broke my arm or leg' one lol

Andy I have tried those excuses before, my worst one was as an apprentice if I wanted to duck a day I used to phone in and tell them my Grandma had died. It worked for four or five times until my boss asked me, "how many Grandma's do you have?" I was only 15yrs at the time.😳
Just be honest, no need for any excuses here.
You are inheriting a boat load of problems that are not of your doing.
As Andy All says it sounds like you've got a bad vibe about the job, and it always pays to listen too it.
That floor has to be flat to take 600x600's, if the previous tiler has 'levelled' it then that a nightmare before you start. Charging the earth doesn't make any job any easier!!
Good luck :thumbsup:
I don't think you should over price. Someone will end up doing the job anyway. You don't want to be known for being too expensive.
Id have to see it to judge it. If it could be a nice job finished especially with the kitchen going in around it etc i think id price it accordingly. But make a note of all the problems you can and will experience. Include contingencies into your price. Deliver the quote in person and walk the customer round first. Show them the ski slope and what the other guy has left behind. They need to be informed even if they don't take you on and look elsewhere. Then deliver the price. You've then justified the cost and educated the customer.
If you then get it. It might be a challenge but you'll have a very happy customer that will sing from the hills as to how good you were.
As Ali says,
Couldn't put it any better myself.

Be honest with them & it will go a long way for your reputation as being an honest trust worthy Tiler..


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