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Discuss I had an office job..... it lasted less than a week! in the UK Tiling Forum area at



Afternoon just putting my input in so you dont think iv disappered.

Monday night i found a job for a Cleaner and me not being bothered what i have to do for work rang up about it, The bloke on phone said i should think about going into sales as i had a really godd manner. so next day i went down for an interview and explained id never done sales in my life but was willing to give anything ago.

So he said i had the job and could start in the morning. Rung the wife and we both went flying down to asda to get some shirts trousers and shoes (i didnt own any lol) Next day got to work where too my suprise there were 2 other people for job at which point we were told this was trials best person got the job. I was abit annoyed by now as one lass had been doing on it years and the other lad used to be a team leader some where else. Any way the day cracked on and by the end off it i had 17 leads they had 6 and 8.

All week iv kicked there *** at doing the job. Iv been tol its because off the way i talk too people i.e i dont think im better than anyone.

So boss says too me thursday night do you want too come out with me and chase up your leads tommorow afternoon see how you are at that as well. I was really happy at that and said yeah no worrys came home told wife she was happy.

So friday comes and all 3 off us aren told we have to be gone by 12 which was abit strange. so we all went at 12. on the way out i was chatting too the lass and she said "you do realise this has been a stitch up dont you they have only had us in too get them some leads then bugger us all off"

This played on my mind so i rang the boss when i got in and asked him straight he got his back up abit and then when i mentioned the fact he said he would pay us he said hed ring back which he hasnt.

In all honusty im gutted i thought we were sorted for a bit i bit the bullet and did a office job which i didnt want too.

So what do i do now.

leave it till monday and see what happens?


Go down on monday and physically extract my wage off the kid.

The wife has said i should leave it bee and forget about it and move on as if i accidently gave the bloke a slap id get locked up instantly.

But i dont see why because some one is minted they should be able to take advantage off people that arent.

david campbell


hard one isn't it,on 1 hand the guys deserves to be dragged out and knocked senseless,on the other it would be you who is in the wrong,i would maybe think of other ways to skin this cat,maybe phone a local newspaper and inform them of you happenings and get your collegues to back you up,or inform the DWP about him employing people and not paying them or there tax and NI contributions!

i do hope you get what is owed to you though:thumbsup:


hi mike

just move on mate...if you hit him and theres witnesses, then your gonna get done. you'll spend ages chasing him for your money and it will eat you up so put it down experience and as your wife says, maybe you have unearthed a new career without you realising it mate??? good sales people are rare and if your good and get in with some decent companies, you can make really really top money!!!

keep your options open mate, maybe do some sales work and keep practising the tiling because then you could be winning the tiling work with your sales ability and subbing it out to top tradesman who in turn you can learn from ....:thumbsup: i always say that to everybody get the work in, let the tilers work for you and then you are in the driving seat....theres lots of really great tradesman out there to learn from but they are not always the best people infront of customers, so keep open minded and flexable!!

all the best mate, and keep going!!! never ever give in!!!!

Rob Z

Mike, beat this jerk-off at this own game. What ever it was that you were selling for him---go to work for his competitor and work to ensure that his business comes with you and the new firm where you are working.

If you don't like sales but can do it...that's fine, it's a foot in the door and some income for now. It's not your career that you are deciding right here and now.

Tempting to give him a smack, but likely you'll end up with problems that last longer than the satisfaction you'll get.


Sorry to hear about this Mike. I agree it's not worth giving him a slap, but by not paying you he is breaking the law as there is a national minimum wage in this country.
I would be tempted to give the National Minimum Wage Helpline a call on Monday and report him and see what they can do to help you. See link below..
National Minimum Wage helpline | NIDirect

Hope it works out for you mate :thumbsup:


Id report hi to everyone i could. Did the other people ring for the 'cleaners job' too? If so and he's using that to recruit then contact wherever it was that you saw the ad and let them know. Go to citizens advise to and see what they say.

If you have done the work you have earned the money so make sure you get it. If you have the time on your hands amkie it work for you and harrass him until he pays you to go away.

Personally id be there like a shot and demand my cash, you got kids to feed and i see it as taking the food out of my little ones mouths. He's making me really cross! If you werent so far away id go and lump him for you :mad2::mad2: Twice!

Off to calm down now....


Id report hi to everyone i could. Did the other people ring for the 'cleaners job' too? If so and he's using that to recruit then contact wherever it was that you saw the ad and let them know. Go to citizens advise to and see what they say.

If you have done the work you have earned the money so make sure you get it. If you have the time on your hands amkie it work for you and harrass him until he pays you to go away.

Personally id be there like a shot and demand my cash, you got kids to feed and i see it as taking the food out of my little ones mouths. He's making me really cross! If you werent so far away id go and lump him for you :mad2::mad2: Twice!

Off to calm down now....

so ends your first lesson on conflict resolution leighton style:lol:


No mate i was warned about that before i went too interview it was 6.80 a hour and £7 for every job you got on top off that

Don't lamp him, it will more than likely backfire on you.

Where was the advert Mike? Have you got / can you get a copy of it?
Take it to Citizens Advice and get them to steer you to a FOC employment lawyer. You'll get your money.

Next follow Robs advice, find out who is his biggest local competitor and go and explain what the muppet did to you. Explain to them that you want a chance to get even and see him go out of business. Do for them what you did for him and watch him lose everything.

Alternatively, go and have a chat with your local tile shops as it sounds as though you could do well in retail mate :thumbsup:.

Keep smiling chap it can only get better.

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