Thanks lads. This is how much of a nutter the customers are, they took up and re-laid 70sq m of tiles because the tiler that came in after me wasn't confident enough to remove the existing grout. Fannie's.
I'll be lodging my small claims writ in the coming week and we'll see how I get on.
Quick joke: What's the difference between a Scotsman and a coconut? You get a drink out of a coconut.
I'm Scottish by the way, just found it funny 🙂
It's mad eh!? They could have had the lot sorted if they'd just agreed to pay the extra money (£300) in the first instance. They say they're suing me for the whole shebang but I know they won't get anywhere. Personal choice doesn't come into small claim politics. The minute the next tiler, who I know and who couldn't lace my boots, touched the tiles they became his responsibility. Also the Bal rep stated categorically that there was no need to remove any tiles. When he suggested the colour enhancer that lasts 25 years, the silly wife customer replied with " I don't want anything on my floor that lasts 25 years. Thick as ****.
I'm up for this and they better be ready because I'll pay what I have to to be able to have my day. Money does not make you better or worse than anyone else. They'll find this out the hard way.
Thanks for posting this @EdinTiler, I'm really pleased your getting sorted, I followed this since you posted it and hadn't really appreciated adding more less water to grout could cause problems. I now carry a detailed measuring jug so I know I'm on the money when it comes to volume of water to mix. Thanks D
I wish I could post the Bal technical report, you'd have a laugh at some of the terms used. I had to phone them to confirm that I had read it properly!! Got them to give me it in layman's terms.
The rheology of the grout sample that was gleaned through gravimetric analysis shows...... As someone said previously, I'm a tiler, not Stephen Hawking.
Just been reading all this thinking it was a recent post and just noticed the date... Doh!
Hope EdinTiler resolved the issue, did anyone know the outcome? Never really had a customer quite that bad yet but do think there are some people out there that would always find a fault or an issue as a get out clause for payment. I usually get a pretty good gut instinct upon first speaking to/meeting with a customer and if something doesn't sit right then I become "too busy" to do the job.