Sorry, timeless John - it's been a busy few days with other house issues and a 5-month old baby.
In answer to your questions:
If its a new screed how long has it been down? - It's a new liquid screed and been down about 3-4 months
If its new wet Ufh has it been run up to temperature? - Yes it is and yes it has
Has the screed cracked anywhere ? - No cracks visible anywhere
Is this a cost issue? - Partly, in that we're already into overdrafts so we don't want to spend money on anything that's not actually required
It wouldn't have been a waste of time if I'd got a consensus of advice! As it was, some people said to use the matting, some said not for porcelain, others said you might as well use it just in case. In any case, it's been interesting to read how varied people's views are.
Let' s hope it doesn't end in tears... there have been enough of them already :/