is being VAT reg worth the hassle?

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If your clients are mostly domestic, avoid becoming VAT registered as long as you turnover hit the threshold and I had no choice but to register..since then, I have lost countless number of domestic jobs because my prices became 17.5% higher overnight (most of my work is labour)..even with dropping my prices, I still lose work because of the a result, my turnover and profit are significantly down since registering despite being fully booked up with work..luckily I'm now pulling in more commercial work and domestic work that non registered trades wouldn't do, so things are looking up...
Vat regs. might have changed since I was Vat registered (25yrs ago) It suited me at the time. All my work was new builds, zero rated, at the end of every quarter I got the Vat back on my materials. But when my work changed to mostly domestics, I wanted to de-register. They made it very hard for me. Yet when when I was claiming Vat back they kept trying to get to me to de-register. Until you have to, I would give it a miss, or rather until it suits you to become an unpaid Tax collector. Good luck.
Vat regs. might have changed since I was Vat registered (25yrs ago) It suited me at the time. All my work was new builds, zero rated, at the end of every quarter I got the Vat back on my materials. But when my work changed to mostly domestics, I wanted to de-register. They made it very hard for me. Yet when when I was claiming Vat back they kept trying to get to me to de-register. Until you have to, I would give it a miss, or rather until it suits you to become an unpaid Tax collector. Good luck.

They are still at it Phil, I have been Vat registered for 10 years and applied to de-register 3 months ago due to less commercial work in general. They have refused me up to date, I dont owe them anything and I have a mountain of paper work to fill in for them.
The trouble is I have to deal with an office in Wolverhampton and another in Milton keynes and neither of them communicate with each other. I fill one form in and off it goes only for another letter arriving from a different office asking for the same information.

They are still at it Phil, I have been Vat registered for 10 years and applied to de-register 3 months ago due to less commercial work in general. They have refused me up to date, I dont owe them anything and I have a mountain of paper work to fill in for them.
The trouble is I have to deal with an office in Wolverhampton and another in Milton keynes and neither of them communicate with each other. I fill one form in and off it goes only for another letter arriving from a different office asking for the same information.

mk hmrc are a nightmare to deal with Dom

its run by muppets,,,,,,,,,,,what a shambles

i had bailiffs on the door with a warrent to enter and list goods unless i paid there and then

i refused them entry and stood on the drive and rang the tax office while they rang the police to enforce the warrant

the tax office agreed to call them off if i took a cheque into them that afternoon, i had untill 4pm and the bailiffs were going to remain parked across my drive and i would have to pay for their time

after 4pm they were going to execute the warrant

i went in alright, no cheque, just my books and statements

i gave them hell

i was owed a rebate from two years previous and still hadnt recieved it

funny thing was it was for the same amount as they were demanding

i got my rebate

no apology just a rebate less a hundred pound fine for not paying the tax
that was due

AAAAAAAAAAAAArgh,,,,,,,,,,,, i was getting a rebate on tax paid

this is still ongoing and will end up in court
On VAT - a few of you write as if theres a choice - if you go over the threshold - or look like you will in the tax year - it's mandatory to register, not a user choice.
VAT Paperwork: better than it used to be. Percentage scheme allows simple turnover calculation and annual accounting scheme is best for most tiler size businesses.

Grumpy - although not excessive, the LTD Co. status causes more paper work and cost than VAT surely - with compliance / Co. House requirements? - and is a choice, unlike VAT. Most LTD co.s would surley only be that if of suffcient size to require VAT reg anyway. Your territory for sure, but perhaps you could fill out the info a bit more, cheers.
On VAT - a few of you write as if theres a choice - if you go over the threshold - or look like you will in the tax year - it's mandatory to register, not a user choice.
VAT Paperwork: better than it used to be. Percentage scheme allows simple turnover calculation and annual accounting scheme is best for most tiler size businesses.

Grumpy - although not excessive, the LTD Co. status causes more paper work and cost than VAT surely - with compliance / Co. House requirements? - and is a choice, unlike VAT. Most LTD co.s would surley only be that if of suffcient size to require VAT reg anyway. Your territory for sure, but perhaps you could fill out the info a bit more, cheers.
Not sure exactly what you are wanting me to fill out here CBTC. The original post was about vat registration and would it be worthwhile for the poster to consider. My response was to illustrate that I avoided being vat registered for my tiling by becoming a ltd. co. as my customer base is domestic so not charging VAT keeps my price down.

Until traders reach the VAT threshold, then being registered is a choice, and that depends entirley on the business's circumstances. Being a Limited Company is not really anything to do with "size" or turnover of a business, but how much protection the shareholders/directors desire and seem to think they have by being limited. There is more paperwork for statutory requirements but for book keeping etc, it is exactly the same really.
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Wise move I think Rock. You're 17.5% cheaper than your competitor who is VAT registered whilst you're not. Orrrr, they knock down their prices a bit and don't profit as much as you on like-for-like jobs.


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