Discuss Job Of The Month Comp is BACK!!! WOOOOOOO in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
That's why voting doesn't start until the comp ends.

Photo Contests - http://www.tilersforums.com/photo-contests/

Read the entry dates, and voting dates on that page lol

April Comp
Enter 1st April - 30th April
Vote 1st May - 21st May

May Comp
Enter 1st May - 31st May
Vote 1st June - 21st June

And so on.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK

Old Mod

but don't miss the deadline!

To be honest, with the date thing, I'm more relaxed than some staff about it.

I haven't stipulated in the terms (so far) to include a photo of a newspaper or your watch or whatever showing the date. I'd like to think we can allow as many people to enter as possible and not risk losing an entry just because somebody couldn't get back to the job with a newspaper to take a photo when it had the bath put in etc etc

So that's up for debate perhaps.

You mean me! Haha

The problem I see, is the reason why it didn't take off again last time, it lost its meaning because it was just guys entering with an image, as and when and if they could be bothered. No explanation, no before during or after images or information.
And for a percentage of members, they saw the competition not being given enough respect, it's great having lots of entries, yes.
But not at the expense of the competition or tag.
But that's just my opinion :rolleyes:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
You mean me! Haha

The problem I see, is the reason why it didn't take off again last time, it lost its meaning because it was just guys entering with an image, as and when and if they could be bothered. No explanation, no before during or after images or information.
And for a percentage of members, they saw the competition not being given enough respect, it's great having lots of entries, yes.
But not at the expense of the competition or tag.
But that's just my opinion :rolleyes:
No lol to be honest I've been the one that always said the date stamp thing just discouraged entries, was Dave's original gig and his idea. It's all the staff but me lol

I totally agree with more photos the better though. That's not what I'm disagreeing with. I love the before and after shots. And have enabled up to 15 images to be added for that reason. But I wouldn't say it's a requirement. It'd just get you more votes if you can explain it well and show the before during and after. Like you say. :)

Old Mod

Not a requirement no, ok badly worded maybe, but I was rushing cos I wanted my dinner. Haha
My point is, last time it run, entries were consisting of just a single image, even when entrants were pm'd and asked to upload an album, it was ignored.
No effort was made other than a single image.
That dragged the meaning of the whole JOTM concept down, and regular members considered this as detrimental, and not only to the competition, but to the tag also.
If it starts to mean nothing, then all of this will be wasted effort on everyone's part.
So if we want sponsors to chip in too, then I feel it should be something that's not given easily, that's how it became so coveted in the first place.
And it's not difficult to prove date and time really is it, even a bloody screen shot of your phone is better than nothing.
I'm not trying to put up obstacles, in fact I've tried to get it off the ground a couple of times, but the regular or long standing members are the ones we need to encourage to enter.
Not someone who signs up, posts an image and is never seen again.
It makes a mockery.
I know I'm being extreme in my scenarios, but I'm tired and I'm just trying to get my point over.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
When we ran it before we had people uploading 30 or so sometimes. It was only that silly system that made people upload one image because that's all it allowed in the actual album.

I doubt we will have just 1 image per entry this time round mate dont worry. The less rules the better though for now.

Something i would like to know everybody's opinion on is whether we keep entries private until voting opens.

I can hide submissions until voting day.

Sometimes we used to have an awesome job uploaded first and nobody wanted to go ahead with them so would shy away.

Maybe we hide entries this time round!?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
You could do with visiting the forum on a PC. The website isn't an app with a couple of options. It's a fully blown website with blogs and a directory and a million posts and whatnot.

It's designed for PC's and then trimmed down for tablets, and trimmed down again for mobile devices.

It's not physically designed for mobiles.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Okay so now voting is open. So we can test that too now.

Note that during a real comp the voting wouldn't start until all entries are in.

But to vote you click a thumbs up on the contest home page after viewing all entries.



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I am very supprised at that!

What, being corrected lol

That's about right for a website that gets 95% of its traffic from a search engine.

We aren't an app.

We are a website. Mostly a forum, but not just a forum these days.

We would need several apps (think Facebook) to serve all users with all features.

So don't expect basic buttons like an app when you visit our website.

Reply to Job Of The Month Comp is BACK!!! WOOOOOOO in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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