Hello Louisa I would definiteley have a look at NETT. If you could make it up there it is worth every penny.
Hi all,
I'm looking for a career change and would like to get into tiling....but all the courses i've looked at are miles away and would need to take weeks of work which just couldn't happen and most of the courses seem to be at least over £1000. I'm looking to see if anyone knows of anyone that does apprenticeships or maybe just weekend work so I could get the experience...I live in the Hertfordshire area....can anybody help please!!!????????? : )
hello & welcome, there is a company in telford shropshire that do 1 week course or even just weekend courses! they're called shropshire builing skills 01952 291811- good bunch of people, they cover all building trades! if you want to view website just add co.uk on there name!
good luck wot eva you choose!:yes: