Laitance removal - underfloor heating screed

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Hi all

Just been reading up on the above and it looks like I should have sanded the floor down a bit sooner - no one advised that it should be done after a couple of weeks

Floor has been down a good while now and has a good surface I think - its not crumby at all but hey may as well do a proper job now - I dont want these tiles popping off!

Anyway about to get a tiler to do the floor - but would like to sand it down first and been looking at the costs of the machines

Surface Texture Grinder Str701 110V | Travis Perkins -

Didnt factor that cost in - wow - is this the best thing to do it - only have about 20square meters to do - could try a belt sander - no idea if that would work

Also was planning on putting Bal floor primer as advised by the builder - would you recommend staying with Bal for the adhesive or doesnt matter really

Thanks all
I use a handheld concrete grinder, does the job in seconds ( with a vacuum attachment) a belt sander may work. I use tilemaster primer, its never let me down. oh and use a compatible adhesive for laying the tiles. Tilemaster do a product called Anhyfix especially for anhydrite floors.
what is the screed?
how long has it been down?
has the heating been commissioned?
has the screed been tested to see if it's dry?
Had a dig around on my photos - went in on 27th July and it was 50mm depth - dont know exactly what screed it is - but its grey and calcium sulphate - yes underfloor heating is on and linked to thermostat

Not tested as been down 6months! - Cant believe its been that long - you can see why the missus is on my case!
Yes it needs sanding and you won't do that with a belt sander after 6 months you need a diamond cup on it.


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