Discuss Landlord requiring help! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Hi all

I'm hoping you can help me.

I'm a non-resident Landlord with a situation in the UK with the tenants living in our home. One of the stipulations of them moving in to our property was that we installed a shower in the bath the family bathroom.

It had a mixer tap and shower hose already in the bath, but it wasn't attached to the wall.

We asked a builder to give us a quote for the work, but due to a miscommunication, they went ahead with the work before quoting. We were left with an extremely high bill for what essentially turned out to be tiling around the bath, putting a bracket on the wall and hanging a shower curtain.

So my question to you is - if there is already a set of tiles surrounding a bath (about 4 high), how much would it cost to tile the length of the bath and the top of the bath to allow for a shower to be installed?

A ball-park figure would be very helpful - including supply of plain white tiles.

Many thanks in advance.

The D

Thanks for your reply Dean.

I already know what my builder charged me! What I'm asking is what would you charge? If you say a price near to his I won't feel ripped off. But if not ... :thumbsdown:
What difference does it make what I or any other tiler would charge you did not use me or any other tiler you used a builder. It is a bit late in the day for getting quotes.


Agree, something fishy! So, all we can gather from this side of the story is that a builder has done work and not yet been paid due to a "miscommunication" we have heard all these stories before from both sides. Who is right or wrong? Who knows!! But the guy is on asking for a rough price for work, I'd give you my price but not sure what good it would do you really. If I had agreed a price with client for work then at end of job they come back and queried my bill due to cross examination via Internet forum I'd be utterly furious. If your looking for excuse not to pay then I'd recommend you don't mention a forum, and just tell him the truth.

The D

I personally do not think there is anything fishy about it it’s just another one of those customers that gets a job done and then starts to look for ways to ether get out of paying for the work or reduce the cost of the work. Ether way it is out of order to go asking for prices to bash the chap that did the work with and getting them from people that have not seen the job the tiles or the adhesive so they will only ever be able to give a guesstmate at best.
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Reply to Landlord requiring help! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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