fluffy time and energy dont equal skill im afraid so yes there is much more to it.would you consider building a brick wall to a pro standard 1st go or would you consider building a staircase to a pro standard? anyone can lay tiles but to lay them properly with pro finish takes skill,i can see your keen it just depends what kind of finish you are going to be happy with in your home .
if you are keen to do some tiling i would suggest small jobs to start,the tools involved and knowledge of how to actually use the products and materials correctly never mind the stone itself i think you would be cheaper getting a pro in,if it goes wrong imagine the cost of rectifying it
if you are keen to do some tiling i would suggest small jobs to start,the tools involved and knowledge of how to actually use the products and materials correctly never mind the stone itself i think you would be cheaper getting a pro in,if it goes wrong imagine the cost of rectifying it