Levelling clips | Lash Clips - Suppliers of Lash Clips & Leveling Spacers

I am going to try the block ones soon. I am still using the genesis easy level at the moment. I have had no problems with the clips not gripping so i would say you have a faulty batch. Definitely complain or get a refund Andy.
Which tool do most buy?
The block one looks a bit flimsy, the raimondi looks better but does it fit the block wedges ok?
I am going to try the block ones soon. I am still using the genesis easy level at the moment. I have had no problems with the clips not gripping so i would say you have a faulty batch. Definitely complain or get a refund Andy.
Which tool do most buy?
The block one looks a bit flimsy, the raimondi looks better but does it fit the block wedges ok?
Get the Ramondi pliers and wedges and imo the Block clips are great value and do a great job, not flimsy at all.
I usually use the little block beauties but I've bout a 600 Genesis bases and 400 tops and the fancy looking gun thing like the MLT one gonna give them a go on Monday I don't like the fact the bases are cupped tho like the vitrex lash clips I like the flat base like the block ones but ill give them a go and report back
I usually use the little block beauties but I've bout a 600 Genesis bases and 400 tops and the fancy looking gun thing like the MLT one gonna give them a go on Monday I don't like the fact the bases are cupped tho like the vitrex lash clips I like the flat base like the block ones but ill give them a go and report back
The curved base actually helps, you'll find that when you try them. One advantage of them over RLS is that they never push the tile off line when you clamp them, but they are way more expensive.
They are but it's all being covered by the customer on this job they cost around £180 for 600 bases 200 small tips and 200 big tops and the fancy pants gun and holster. .. did I use 6 clips or only 5 do u feel lucky punk in the words of the legendary Clint Eastwood
Your customer is paying for the dearest part then, the set up 😉
Let me know what you think of that gun, I've only ever used the cheaper pliers, that wear out by the way. Someone else posted on here that they use the Rubi pliers with the Genesis system because they are of a better build quality.
Well today was my first day with the Genesis easy level system and I van say I don't get on with it they don't clamp up anywhere near as tight as block level and even with the gun they take much longer than the block level ill be sticking with the good ol'BL'S when these are gone

I could get on with them not making a click click click as ur tightening them and even when I get them to full tension u can easily slip a tile out of there grip


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Which tile adhesive brand did you use most this year?

  • Palace

    Votes: 9 5.2%
  • Kerakoll

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Ardex

    Votes: 12 7.0%
  • Mapei

    Votes: 49 28.5%
  • Ultra Tile

    Votes: 21 12.2%
  • BAL

    Votes: 40 23.3%
  • Wedi

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Benfer

    Votes: 5 2.9%
  • Tilemaster

    Votes: 24 14.0%
  • Weber

    Votes: 19 11.0%
  • Other (any other brand not listed)

    Votes: 17 9.9%
  • Nicobond

    Votes: 8 4.7%
  • Norcros

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • Kelmore

    Votes: 5 2.9%