Limestone floor help - adding sheen

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Hi everyone,

Stumbled across this wonderful forum when Googling about the dilemma I have with my Limestone floor and it looked like THE place to ask!

I had my floor tiled about seven months ago. My tiler used Fila unpolished protector from Topps, however we're not happy with the lack of any shine. The floor would need daily cleaning to look good, particularly with our pets and young children. Starting to regret our decision (to get Limestone)!

I've got some pH neutral cleaner, but never happy with the lack of sheen once it dries.

I'd be really grateful for some advice on what we can do to make the floor one we're happy with please. Should we give the tiles a really good clean then put the type of sealant on that sits on the surface, I've read about using mineral oil, but I've also read about steam cleaning and this expert forum is dead against that, hence I'd really value your advice please. Cheers.
Limestone is better left honed for a floor. The higher the degree of shine the more maintenance is required to keep it looking that way.

By more that would mean daily.

The foyer of 5 star hotels tend to be polished marble. To keep them looking that way they will be mechanically polished every night by a team of cleaners with rotary polishers.

If you were looking for a polished finish I assume you bought a polished limestone? If you've bought a honed stone and expected to add a topical polish you've been misled.

The polish is produced mechanically during manufacture and the degree of polish is directly related to the density of the stone.

All that said, kids + pets = mess. It doesn't matter how you finish the floor or what products are used if kids + pets are in the room it'll be dirty.
LTP Ironwax may give you the sheen you want. Have you got any spare tiles you can try different products on?
Hi cliff,
all of the above is correct, I can understand your thinking here as most honed natural floors look better once they have their own patina which is basically bought on with age/use. If you wanted a satin finish you could use HG Golv polish. Buyer beware their is more maintenance, (potentially) and to my eye it can look a bit artificial until worn a bit, (each to their own). Check compatibility with any existing topical treatments that have been applied prior, small test patch, blar blar all the usual caveats.
Thank you all for taking the time to provide such useful advice.

I think it's honed stone.

I've got some spare tiles to try products on. Reckon I should get a litre of ironwax and golvpolish and see which I prefer? Also, ironwax mentions using their primer first on porous stone while golvpolish gives the impression I can just give a good clean then apply it.

Thoughts are now between the two products advised so anything to help decide would be much appreciated please.
Only you will know how porous your stone is, that's why it's best to test products to see what suits.


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