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Colour Republic

I'm almost lost for words!!!!!

Last weekend I went to see a potential customer about some quartz worktops. She is buying the kitchen from Howdens but they wouldn't give her a plan so I said I can only do a rough price from the visuals she showed me. Been busy and as it's not an important one for me it has gone to the bottom of the pile and others have taken priority. Bit naughty but i've only got one pair of hands and s**t happens sometimes. Anyway she emails me and tries to call on Thursday. I don't respond but it does kick me up arse to try and get a price back to her. Friday was hectic so thought i'd do it over this weekend.

Today I receive this email...

Please can you reply to my emails/phone calls.

I am beginning to suspect that there is something suspicious about your company and I am tempted to go to the police


Sent from my iPad


I can just imagine the phone call to the police

Customer: I'd like to report a fraudulent company please.
Police: Yes madam of course, fraud is a very serious crime.
Customer: I know and i'm very worried that others may get scammed
Police: I know it's distressing but if we can just take some details. How much money has this company taken from you?
Customer: Well nothing as yet
Police: Oh Ok, so they've asked for money then:
Customer: Well. no not that either.
Police: Oh so they've threatened you. Very nasty business
Customer: Not exactly
Police: Sorry madam what seems to be the problem then?
Customer: It's been over a week and they haven't got back to me with a price for the works I need doing
Police: *silence*

There really are some nutters out there!


right rob, here's how this ones going to pan out.
You'll be compelled to send a quote because you are a true pro and you like a challenge, she'll then be very apologetic and 'MUST HAVE' you to do the job now because the initial doubt has turned to overwhelming faith.

You'll start the job yeah? she'll then pull the microscopic scratch on the stainless steel hood and she wont be happy with the way one on the draws doesn't close at the same speed as the other 4.

At the end of the job, she'll use the famous words' I'm not very happy with the job' There'll be endless emails, she will claim you are the father of the baby she is now carrying, you'll deny it, you'll go to court and win and then you will both meet up in a bar in Brighton, get a room and end up both becoming admin on a new 'kitchen fitters forum' ...............And you'll both live happily ever after

err tell her to go and find self, quite literally ;0)
Klopper time

Colour Republic

Better to laugh than get mad Rob! Are you going to respond?

To be honest I'm thinking of handing myself in and making a full confession.

I'm still quite shocked by it. I woke up this morning and my first thought was "did she's really threaten to go to the police over a late quote? Really??

She seemed so normal as well! Bloody Bunny Boiler!


We've all had them! I had a woman burst into tears because she didn't like the colour of two tiles I'd laid the previous day (Welsh slate), they were a bit darker than the rest, I told her I'd change them and half an hour later they were replaced. She was an emotional mess every day for one reason or another, mainly about me not letting her cat escape! The cats name was Princess Delilah I think that tells you all you need to know!

Colour Republic

We've all had them! I had a woman burst into tears because she didn't like the colour of two tiles I'd laid the previous day (Welsh slate), they were a bit darker than the rest, I told her I'd change them and half an hour later they were replaced. She was an emotional mess every day for one reason or another, mainly about me not letting her cat escape! The cats name was Princess Delilah I think that tells you all you need to know!

I've had my fair share of customers where I've ended up being their psychiatrist for a number of weeks. It's one of the reasons I've pretty much given up doing full refurbs unless it's something that really interests me. Home owners think they are ready to have builders in their home and no mater how much you warn them there will ups and downs over a long build, they still seem surprised that their life will be put on hold for a while.

I've had a number of customers telling me about difficulties in their marriage... fears their kids are taking drugs... medical conditions... You sit there listening to it all and you're thinking it's great that you feel comfortable enough to tell me all this but really i'm just here to make your house a bit nicer love!

Colour Republic

I'm very good at biting my lip and staying professional so takes a lot for me to lose my temper but it did happen recently actually with a young developer. He was the sort who goes to all these 'property entrepreneur' seminars, a fish out of water. Clearly he had been told to keep the pressure up on contractors but he was taking it to the next level. He was getting involved in stuff he knew nothing about and was actually slowing the project down by interfering. I know other firms on the job were having the same problem with him.

He had borrowed up to hilt and clearly he had a lot riding on it and sleepless nights and so he developed a habit of emailing/texting/calling all at the same time to get a quick response, sometimes 4 or 5 times a day. So you'd have a 20 min phone conversation then he'd follow it up with an email where he had twisted what you had said to him... So you'd spend another 20 mins replying and putting him straight:mad:

In the end I told him straight that I wasn't willing to discuss anything with him unless it was via email in writing so nothing could be misunderstood. He thought this meant he could email and then text and call to tell me he had done so.:mad: On 2 occasions he texts my personal mobile at 5am in the morning and I bit my lip. On the third occasion he did it at 2am and I completely lost my s**t so went round his house to drag him out of it. I scared the crap out of him and i'm guessing he sensed I was a little annoyed, strangely I never had a problem with him after that. (Might have had a couple of pints that night, opps)
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